
Keep Austin Weird-Moving to Normal

It has been a long year getting us to Normal, Illinois!  We are finally here, and I must say, Normal is anything but.  We are not used to things here, and it all feels very weird.  The heat is about the same as home, but we are not home.  The people are just as friendly, but they are not the people we are most friendly with.  The town is small enough to get across in 10 minutes.  It was taking us longer to get off of City Park Rd and to church in Austin.  I hope to find our camera soon so you can see what I am talking about here.  For now, just remember us.  

We met many new people tonight at a weekly BBQ and small group.  It was a good time where Brook met every girl there and a few of the guys.  I got a chance to talk with some about dreams for the ministry and Live the Music, Freedom Bags.  I reconnected with a girl, Hannah, who i could not get out of my head this past year in Austin.  She was a reason for moving here... her heart for missions and the needy in the world was evident to me in my Fall visit, but I also remember her not knowing what to do with that heart.  She is now trying to get on staff with International Justice Mission in Washington DC.  She will find out more next week, but it was nice to see her and catch up on her heart for the world.  Please pray for Hannah, the other students here, and our new church family.  Please also pray for us... we are missing all of you, looking forward to getting more settled in, expecting good things here, and getting ready to start our new life in the mission field of Illinois.  we love you all... grace and peace!

1 comment:

brd said...

So you guys actually did it? Good luck! Looking forward to pics.