We visited 6 Flags in Denver a few weekends ago, Winter Park this past weekend, and hiked down from the tundra two days ago. Winter Park does not look anything like itself in the winter. They have an alpine slide, mini golf, bungee/trampoline jumping, rides, and a maze. The slide is the big attraction. We were able to go with friends minus Ana. We also had free admission because of the Y. $50 saving per person! Here are a few pics from each place.
Driving back from Winter Park. 2 hours West of us.
Our family and Greg climbing down from the tundra. The hike started at 11, 500 ft at noonish. We were rained on lightly for a few hours and were threatened with lighting. We were scared for a little while thinking the storms might catch us. We were picking rock outcroppings to hide below if needed.
The hike took us through all the terrains found in Rocky Mountain. Here we are about halfway through the hike.
The entire hike took over 6 hours and we covered 6.5 miles! Naaman once again walked the entire way with only a few sitting breaks, Kyra walked half way, and Kelsie was carried the entire way. They did awesome.
Kelsie playing with sun glasses
Kyra and Daddy on a date in town
Brook and Kelsie riding the chair lift up to the alpine slide.
Kyra and me riding the same chair lift
I have short video of Kelsie and Kyra riding with me down the slide. I'll try posting those some other time. They are kind of funny. Kelsie in particular looks disinterested in the ride. We'll be home soon.